Tag Archives: Holy Spirit

The Day of Pentecost

Sunday Sermon Notes from May 23, 2021

Read Acts Chapter 2

The Day of Pentecost

  • Also known as the Festival of Weeks or Feast of Wheat or Feast of First Fruits
  • It is mentioned in the Old Testament/Pentateuch
  • It occurred 50 days after the Passover ( 50 days is seven weeks plus one day, therefore it is also called "the week of weeks")

Why do they refer to it as the Feast of First Fruits?

  • Sign of giving your best to God, ie first portion of the harvest or first born from animal stock
  • 1Cor 15:20-23: Jesus represents the best of all mankind, we as disciples represent the harvest

What does the “violent rushing of wind” refer to?

  • The Holy Spirit in Hebrew
  • In Greek- Breath or Wind refers to the Holy Spirit
  • In John 3: Jesus talks about the wind and the Spirit, they eventually received it in Acts
  • They made the sound of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2 when they received the Spirit and were speaking in tongues
  • The people said they heard the wonders of God in their own language
  • The Spirit caused the believers to speak of God and it caused Peter to speak of Jesus
  • The Trinity of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit were being revealed

What is significant about Numbers 11?

  • There is prophesying and wind present. God granted the ability to prophesy to all
  • Paul talks about languages, which is a sign of judgement, God revealing secrets of our hearts that lead to convictions

How is Genesis 11:1-9 different than Acts 2

  • In Babel, they were self reliant and united in selfishness, so their language was confused to prevent further destruction
  • In Acts, speech is used to unify them and help them to rely on God
  • The Holy Spirit moves to place us into fellowship with each other and the Holy Spirit also moves to scatter us when sin is involved
  • The Holy Spirit gives us gifts to help us build each other up
  • Remember to keep speaking the message for Christ Jesus to others
  • This speaking and sharing of truth has been ongoing since the day of Pentecost

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Word Becomes Flesh



The Word became flesh and took up residence among us. We observed His glory, the glory as the One and Only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬ HCSB)

The suburban group recently discussed Jesus' words and the power they can have in our lives. Much more powerful than any positive article we may read in the paper or any great philosopher's writings, the words of Jesus are transformative and give life; they are the very words of God.  God's word can't just be a source of do's and don'ts; it should dwell within us, be a part of us.  Jesus came to show us that God ultimately wants each of us to be His temple, a place for His Holy Spirit to dwell (1 Corinthians 3:16).  When we choose to follow Jesus, it is his word (along with the constant guidance of the Holy Spirit for those disciples who have accepted the message of Jesus and are baptized) that can continue to effect change in our lives and, God willing, bring others to Christ.

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