Jesus Brings Peace

December Midweek Lesson 

READ Isaiah Chapter 9:1-7:

  • How will the Messiah come to humanity and what will he bring?
    • He will come by way of Galilee and will be a great light for those in the darkness
    • He will increase the nations and bring them peace and joy with no more war
    • His kingdom will be here and everlasting. God and Jesus are in charge, so there will be peace

READ Isaiah Chapter 11:1-9:

  • What does the Messiah’s peace look like?
    • Everyone will be in unity with God and Jesus
    • Everyone will be filled with the knowledge of God
    • Even animals and the universe will be at peace and unity with each other
    • The world will return to the peace of the Garden of Eden

READ Luke 2:8-20:

  • How did Jesus come to earth? What was his purpose?
    • Jesus was born on earth in humble circumstances, born in a barn with animals, yet God’s angels showed up to praise him
    • Jesus’s purpose was to teach humanity about who his Father is so that we can be in relationship with God and Jesus. This brings us total peace, being in unity with our Father in heaven.
    • Only Jesus can deliver this eternal peace, not things, not money, not status, not other people, etc

READ Matthew 11:25-30:

  • Who can receive this peace on earth?
    • Jesus invites us to come to him and to be at peace
    • Anyone that is weary and burdened can go to Jesus for rest
    • We have to be willing to give up our control and let God and Jesus take care of our lives

READ Revelation 21:1-4:

  • What does the final peace look like?
    • Heaven--all things will be made new
    • We can take hope that in the future we will be with God and Jesus in a new place, but the peace that Jesus brings is available to us right now in our hearts and minds if we yield our lives to God

Sound Doctrine


  • What is sound doctrine?
    • Here, Titus calls the behavior and character of men and women to keep in step with sound doctrine- which is sturdy principals based on Jesus’s teachings,not on the opinions of the day or thoughts and feelings of others
    • Role of older men- to be patient, temperate, respectable, not just having a great personality
    • The Christ like qualities of an older man will bring stability to the church community
    • Role of older women- to be reverent, self-controlled, busy at home and kind
    • We should train our hearts and minds to keep in step with sound doctrine of the bible teachings, so that our behaviors will reflect our doctrine and who Jesus really is to the world.
  • What is grace and who gets it?
    • Grace is undeserved forgiveness from God
    • Grace is offered to ALL people, not just a chosen few
    • We may be tempted to sin but we do have the power to say no to temptations and not act on them
    • We should be eager to do what is good because of the Grace God has given to us
  • How does Jesus help us?
    • Jesus who is God in the flesh, gave himself up for us as a sacrifice of atonement for our sins
    • We no longer have to die for our sins because he already did
    • This should motivate us to live an upright life following the teachings of the bible
    • When we live this way, we may be despised by others who do not choose to live this way, but Paul encourages us that that is ok!

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What Do You Want from Jesus?

Sunday Lesson Notes

October 22, 2024

What Do I Want from Jesus?

Read John 1: 35-38

  • What do the disciples want?
    • They wanted to know who Jesus was
    • They wanted to know what Jesus was about
    • They wanted to follow John initially. John teaches them from the Scriptures who Jesus is. They have the heart to want to follow Jesus

Read John 2:1-7

  • What does Mary want?
    • Mary wanted Jesus to help with the wine situation
    • She may have wanted her son to obey her wishes but yielded to his decision and instruction,, which is a sign of her faith 
    • Mary reminds us to do what Jesus says

Read John 2: 13-17

  • What does Jesus want?
    • Jesus wanted others to show respect for his father’s house
    • He wanted the people to have zeal for God
    • Jesus had control over his anger and was therefore able to have a positive impact on the people there
    • When we keep our emotions in check in tough situations we can be a great help to others
    • Jesus wanted his Father’s house to be a place for all to come and worship at this Father’s House
    • What do we allow into our temple that is destroying the presence of God? Remember to eliminate the hindrances and distractions that keep us from being in God’s presence. 
    • Does Jesus get what he wants from us today when we get together to worship God?
    • Remember to let Jesus shepherd our wants so we can focus on what God wants.

Read John 3: 16-21

  • What does God want?
    • God wants no one to perish
    • God wants to help us make it into a relationship with him and to keep it
  • What do the people want?
    • They wanted darkness and comfortability
    • They don’t want to change or be in a relationship with God
    • We have to choose to live in the light or the darkness
    • It takes work to come into the light and to get help from Jesus
    • Whoever lives by the truth comes into the light--Jesus shows us the truth about who he is and who God created us to be (reflecting the glory of God)

What Helps You Connect with God’s Love?

Sunday Lesson Notes

September 15, 2024

What Helps You Connect with God’s Love Demonstrated Through Jesus?

Read 1 John 3: verse 1 and verse 16

  • God loves us by calling us his children
  • Because God loves us, he sent Jesus to lay down his life for us so that we could have a right relationship with him

Read Isaiah 43: 1-7

  • God promises that he will be with us always
  • He will seek us out even if in trouble
  • God wants us to be close to him, we are chosen by him

Zephaniah 3:14-17

  • God is with us and will save us
  • God delights in us and rejoices over us with singing

Psalm 33:18-22

  • God watches over those who fear him
  • God delivers us from death and famine
  • God is our help and our protector
  • God’s love for us is unfailing, we can put our hope in God

Romans 8: 28-39

  • God works for the good of those who love him
  • God is always paying attention to our lives

Ephesians 3:14-19

  • God gave us Christ to dwell in our hearts through faith in him
  • We can be rooted and established in God’s love for us

Examples of What Helps People Connect to God’s Love

  • Reading God’s word
  • Getting to know who Jesus and God really are through the scriptures; not just hearing about things they did
  • Building friendships with other Christians
  • Spending time in Nature
  • Serving others that are less fortunate
  • Praying to God and seeing prayers that are answered
  • Going through difficult times and turning to God for help
  • Going through great times and rejoicing in who God is

God is with US!

Sunday Lesson Notes August 25, 2024

Read Exodus 33:12-17

  • Moses wanted to make sure God would go with him to lead the Israelite people so that the people and the other nations around would know God was with them. 
  • God agreed to go with Moses as he asked. God was pleased with Moses' willingness to ask for help. 

Read Deuteronomy 31:1-8

  • Moses told the people that God would go with them and with Joshua.
  • Moses reminded them that God would protect them from their enemies. He pointed them to God for help and leadership and protection. He encouraged them to not be discouraged or afraid. 
  • God also reminded them that he would never leave them or forsake them,

Read Matthew 1:18-23

  • The angel reminded Mary that God was with her.
  • Joseph was told to name the baby JESUS- because he was going to save the world from their sins. 
  • He was called Immanuel: Meaning God is With Us
  • God’s messenger appeared to Joseph and told him what to do so that he would not be afraid.
  • Mary and Joseph needed to be reminded and encouraged by God’s promises.

Read John 14:1-4

  • Jesus reassured the disciples with troubled hearts to trust in God and in him..
  • Jesus promised that he was going back to his Father to prepare a place for them  to join him and his Father for eternity. This promise is for us as well.
  • We can have security that our future is together with God and Jesus

Read John 14:15-28

  • Jesus promised to send them the Holy Spirit to counsel them and remind them of his teachings. 
  • Jesus promised he would give peace, not temporary peace or peace from the world, but peace that only he can give us.
  • When we remember and live like we believe God is really with us and his Holy Spirit is in us, we will live transformed lives.

“Being Built Together”

Sunday Lesson Notes

Borrowed from a visit to Piedmont Triad Church, Greensboro, NC

July 14, 2024

Read Ephesians 2:19

  • Jesus is the chief cornerstone of the church, the cornerstone of a building is the stone that all other stones follow to make a building square and solid
  • Jesus sets the pattern of life that we should follow
  • As Christians we are to follow the way of life Jesus lived so that  we can build up the church based on his teachings
  • A chief cornerstone also joins two walls together. Jesus allows us to be unified and helps us to stay together, although we have different gifts, talents and personalities. 
  • The apostles and the prophets gave us a message from God about how to live in a right relationship with God and with each other, which leads to unity among those who listen and obey

Read Exodus 3:12

  • God gave Moses a charge to lead the Israelites to worship God on Mount Sinai. They were to be unified in their worship of God as they came out of captivity

Read Jeremiah 29: 13-14

  • God brought the Israelites back from captivity and promised to unify and bless them
  • The prophets were always calling the people back to unity with God, for example to stop following idols and rely on God’s protection
  • The apostles also called the people into unity with God by calling them to repentance and to have right relationships with each other, for example to stop cheating, stealing and telling lies about each other
  • We have to be intentional in everything we do in our relationships with God and with each other as we build unity
  • When we take time to learn about God and Jesus more, we are able to build on the foundation Jesus set. We can work on finding out about God’s character a little more every day. 

Read Matthew 7: 26-27

  • A sign of wisdom is to hear God’s work and follow it in our lives
  • Figure out what God’s foundation is made of: truth, love, kindness, forgiveness, patience, peace etc etc

Jesus Cares For Us

Sunday Lesson Notes June 23, 2024

Read John 16:5-11

  • Jesus told his disciples that he was going back to be with his Father and would send the Holy Spirit to be with them
  • The Holy Spirit would continue to teach them the truth about sin, righteousness and judgment
  • Jesus could see it was all too much for his disciples to handle at the moment, so he told them about what was going to happen to him in stages--very considerate of Him!

Read Mark 14: 32-42

  • Jesus prepared them for his death that was coming
  • Jesus took three of his disciples with him to the garden to pray,  as he was praying for strength to continue to complete his mission to save humanity
  • Jesus allowed us to see his true humanity by his vulnerability and need to pray to God for strength
  • The disciples were having a hard time connecting to the magnitude of this moment. They could not even stay awake to support Jesus, it was too much for them to handle

Read Matthew 28: 16-20

  • Jesus gave his final words to his disciples to go and make disciples of all the other nations and to baptize them and to teach them to obey
  • Jesus started his ministry in Galilee and ended it there with his 11 disciples. They had great faith and continued on with the mission. The mission could have died at that moment but they continued to spread the message of Jesus, which is still being taught throughout the world today.

Read Romans 6:1-8

  • We get to participate in Jesus’s death and resurrection through our baptism
  • Because our old selves died with Christ, we are raised to a new life with Him
  • Dying to our sinful nature starts in this world, living a risen life also starts in this world and will continue when we meet with Jesus in heaven

Read Joshua 1:1-9

  • God promised the Israelities and Joshua that He  would be with them forever and never leave them or forsake them. God has given us Christians the same promise today

Revelation 21:1-4

  • This is a description of what our future will be with Jesus as he becomes the bridegroom to his church. The church is made up of all Christians who truly follow and obey Jesus’s teachings.
  • We can take heart that Jesus is coming back for his Church and will take us to be with him and his Father forever in his kingdom, the new Jerusalem.


From April 2024

What is the Joy that Jesus Brings?

  • Isaiah 35
    • Assyria conquered the Northern Kingdom, and the southern kingdom was about to be conquered next. Hezekiah prayed for the Assyrians to withdraw from Judah and they left. Isaiah foretold that this would happen in Judah. Isaiah also predicted that a time of joy was coming and the redeemed will make it. They were rejoicing that God was present and they would enter Zion with great singing.
    • They were rejoicing because they were redeemed. The remnant that was left made it back
    • To be redeemed brings true joy
  • Luke 1: 5-10
    • Zechariah was a righteous Levite. He had no children with Elizabeth but they had John. John was a Nazarite, never cut his hair or drink fermented drinks. The angel told him he would have a son that would change the world. The name JOHN means- God’s GIft. Zechariach was doubting God’s promise and was therefore silenced. Sometimes when we are silenced, it gives us time to think more about who God is and that he keeps his promises.
  • Luke 1:26-38
    • Mary’s response was very different from Zechariah’s. She surrendered to the angel’s directions right away. She asked a question about the promise, but she did not doubt it. Mary should have been familiar with the promise that David would always have someone on his throne. She was to give birth to Jesus in continuation of the line of David. She became blessed among women because of her belief in God. 
  • John 3:29
    • John said he was Jesus’s bridegroom and full of joy. Do we get joy from Jesus or from our circumstances? This Joy is available to anyone who wants it. Nothing is impossible with God. 
  • Luke 10:1-20
    • Jesus sent out the disciples in pairs to spread his message that his kingdom is near and gave them power to heal the sick.. When they returned they were rejoicing because of the miracles they were able to do. Jesus advised them to rejoice in the fact that their names were written in heaven and not in the miracles they were able to perform. Jesus wanted them to have a permanent joy that comes only from God, not from our temporary circumstances. 
  • John 15:9-17
  • 1 John 5:1
    • Jesus loves us the way God loves us. We show love for God when we obey his word. We aren’t a friend to Jesus when we disobey his commands.
    • Jesus advised that we have complete joy when we love God and when we love people. We can only do these things when we remain in Jesus' love for us. Jesus will give us this joy. Reading and obeying Jesus’s words connects us with his love for us. 
  • John 16:17-24
    • We can ask anything from Jesus, he wants our joy to be complete
    • Jesus was able to accomplish God’s plan for eternity which gives us complete Joy
  • Habakkuk 3:16-19
    • Habakkuk is very upset about the state of affairs in Judah. God told him he would use Babylon to punish Judah. Habakkuk was in pain as he was waiting for calamity to fall on Babylon but he waited patiently for God to act. He was trusting God would save despite the circumstances of the situation. 
  • 1 Peter 1:3-9
    • The reward for trusting God is salvation in God. When we face trials, our faith will be refined. When we persevere in our faith, we bring honor and glory to God. We should remember to keep our joy in who God is, not in who people are.
  • Hebrews 12: 1-3
  • Hebrews 1:1-4
    • God made promises to several people listed here and kept all of his promises to them.
    • We need to remember to run our own race and fix our eyes on Jesus to make it to the end. Jesus is sitting on his throne right next to God and is rooting for us. Don’t quit and get tangled up in worries and sins and stumble and fall. If you do, get up and keep running toward the finish line. 
    • Joy comes from knowing God is a promise keeper, that Jesus is our biggest fan and is helping us to obey God. Our joy will be complete when we stay in our word and close to Jesus and obey him.

March 2024 midweek lesson notes

  1. Do you have faith that Jesus  can help you in your life? And what do you do about it?
  • READ LUKE 17: 1-5
    • Jesus takes a strong stand against people who cause others to stumble
    • Jesus was patient with humanity and asks us to keep on forgiving each other
    • The measure we use to judge others will be used against us
    • Forgiving others the way Jesus forgives us takes a lot of faith
  • READ MARK 2:12
    • Jesus saw the faith of the men as they were digging through the roof to help bring their friend to him
    • The paralyzed man didn't ask for forgiveness  but Jesus gave it anyway
    • The teachers of the law thought only God could forgive sins,but Jesus forgave sins to help the people grow in their faith in him
    • Jesus was able to prove that he was the Son of God because he had the power to heal the parayzed man and the authority to forgive sins
    • God has given us everything we need because we have forgiveness
    • God gives us an over abundance of forgiveness and patience
  • READ MATTHEW 6:5-15
    • When we talk to God we shouldn't babble on and on with incantations and repetitions because this is heartless. God already knows what we need, just ask him.
    • We pray to be forgiven in the same way we forgive others. How do you forgive others?
    • We can share the forgiveness we received from God with each other
  • READ EPHESIANS 4:29-32
    • it's a command from God to forgive each other
    • We have the ability to forgive each other the way Jesus does
    • When we are not generous with our forgiveness we are being greedy and selfish
  1. Where does Forgiveness come from? What does it really mean to forgive others the way God forgives us?
  • READ JEREMIAH 5:1-11
    • At this time in Judah, no one was dealing honestly With each other
    • The people were refusing to repent
    • There were no righteous people
    • The poor and the rich refused to obey
  • READ JEREMIAH 31:31-34
    • God decided to unify Israel and Judah and gave them a new covenant
    • God spared a remnant in order to keep his covenant
    • God put his word in the hearts and minds of the people, no longer on stone tablets 
    • God also forgave their wickedness and forgot their sins
    • This was a renegotiation of the old covenant to make it possible for the house of Israel and Judah to be in right relationship with God
  • READ HEBREWS 9: 11-155
    • Jesus was  able to enter the most holy place because he was the ultimate sacrifice and cleansed our sins
    • Because of Jesus’s sacrifice we no longer have to keep offering (animal) sacrifices for our sins
  • READ HEBREWS 10:11-18
    • The priest offered sacrifices that couldn't take away sins
    • Jesus was able to take away sins
    • God was really patient and generous in his forgiveness after all the stuff humanity was doing 
    • Jesus’s blood was able to take away our sins and makes us perfect forever, those who are being made holy
    • The law was needed in order for us to know right from wrong
    • Forgiveness comes from God's  promise and renegotiation of the original covenant. He gave us permanent forgiveness through Jesus’s sacrifice 
  • READ MATTHEW 26: 17-20 and 26-29 and Colossians 3:12-14
    • One day we will be with Jesus to drink from the fruit of the vine with him
    • We are God's chosen people
    • We should forgive the way God forgives us
    • We should clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness and love, then we can forgive others

February 2024 Midweek Lesson Notes

February 14, 21 and 28, 2024

God’s Compassion

  •  Isaiah 48: 8-16
    • God restored Israel
    • God kept his promises
    • Although Israel did not earn it, God showed them great compassion by restoring them
  • Nehemiah 9: 13-31
    • The Israelites were guilty of disobeying God: worshiped idols, forgot the Laws of God and killed prophets
    • But in his compassion, God brought Israel back from exile, so they were able to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem
    • The Israelites confessed their sins, read the Torah, and joined with the Levites to be restored and praise the Lord
  • Psalm 51:1
    • David called out to God for mercy and compassion
    • In Psalm 86:15- God’s compassion
    • Psalm 145:8-9- God is slow to anger and rich in love
  • Matthew 20: 29-34
    • Blind men were begging Jesus for mercy
    • Jesus had compassion on them and healed them
    • They were physically blind, but spiritually they could see who Jesus really was
  • How do you share the compassion of God/Jesus with others
  • When we show others the compassion of Jesus, it will help them grow closer to God

God’s Patience

  • Acts 26: 9-18
    • Paul was busy killing Christians but Jesus showed up and showed him compassion to lead him in the right direction
    • God can use anyone to get his message across, this was an great example of the compassion of God to use Paul to spread the gospel to the Gentiles after he was known as a killer of Christians
  • 1 TImothy 1: 12-17
    • Paul was changed after meeting Jesus
    • Paul’s life was an example of how much patience Jesus gives us so that we could repent
  • 2 Peter 3: 1-18
    • Peter said he was passing on the words he received from Jesus
    • God’s word is powerful. God’s word gave life and existence to the earth. God’s word also was able to destroy the earth by a flood. But God is also patient and gives us time to repent
    • God does not view time as we do. He is above time.
  • When we are patient with others like God is with us, we can give someone a chance to repent
  • Who will you show God’s patience to today?
  • Romans 8: 18-25
    • All of creation is waiting for God’s children to be revealed.
    • Our hope is in the resurrection, the redemption of our bodies. When we are freed there will be no more death
    • We can be patient and wait on God because  God keeps his promises and will deliver
  • Romans 2: 1-5
    • Because God is kind, he is patient and doesn’t judge us harshly
    • The Jews were mistaking God’s patience as God not bringing judgment for their sin.
    • Paul had to remind the Jews they were guilty of doing the same things the Gentiles were doing and passing judgment
    • Only God’s judgment is based on truth
    • God judges us based on what we do, not on what we believe
  •  Matthew 18: 21-27
    • Jesus wants us to be generous with our forgiveness
    • We should forgive others in the way God has forgiven us through Jesus, not like this unmerciful servant
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