Monthly Archives: April 2024

March 2024 midweek lesson notes

  1. Do you have faith that Jesus  can help you in your life? And what do you do about it?
  • READ LUKE 17: 1-5
    • Jesus takes a strong stand against people who cause others to stumble
    • Jesus was patient with humanity and asks us to keep on forgiving each other
    • The measure we use to judge others will be used against us
    • Forgiving others the way Jesus forgives us takes a lot of faith
  • READ MARK 2:12
    • Jesus saw the faith of the men as they were digging through the roof to help bring their friend to him
    • The paralyzed man didn't ask for forgiveness  but Jesus gave it anyway
    • The teachers of the law thought only God could forgive sins,but Jesus forgave sins to help the people grow in their faith in him
    • Jesus was able to prove that he was the Son of God because he had the power to heal the parayzed man and the authority to forgive sins
    • God has given us everything we need because we have forgiveness
    • God gives us an over abundance of forgiveness and patience
  • READ MATTHEW 6:5-15
    • When we talk to God we shouldn't babble on and on with incantations and repetitions because this is heartless. God already knows what we need, just ask him.
    • We pray to be forgiven in the same way we forgive others. How do you forgive others?
    • We can share the forgiveness we received from God with each other
  • READ EPHESIANS 4:29-32
    • it's a command from God to forgive each other
    • We have the ability to forgive each other the way Jesus does
    • When we are not generous with our forgiveness we are being greedy and selfish
  1. Where does Forgiveness come from? What does it really mean to forgive others the way God forgives us?
  • READ JEREMIAH 5:1-11
    • At this time in Judah, no one was dealing honestly With each other
    • The people were refusing to repent
    • There were no righteous people
    • The poor and the rich refused to obey
  • READ JEREMIAH 31:31-34
    • God decided to unify Israel and Judah and gave them a new covenant
    • God spared a remnant in order to keep his covenant
    • God put his word in the hearts and minds of the people, no longer on stone tablets 
    • God also forgave their wickedness and forgot their sins
    • This was a renegotiation of the old covenant to make it possible for the house of Israel and Judah to be in right relationship with God
  • READ HEBREWS 9: 11-155
    • Jesus was  able to enter the most holy place because he was the ultimate sacrifice and cleansed our sins
    • Because of Jesus’s sacrifice we no longer have to keep offering (animal) sacrifices for our sins
  • READ HEBREWS 10:11-18
    • The priest offered sacrifices that couldn't take away sins
    • Jesus was able to take away sins
    • God was really patient and generous in his forgiveness after all the stuff humanity was doing 
    • Jesus’s blood was able to take away our sins and makes us perfect forever, those who are being made holy
    • The law was needed in order for us to know right from wrong
    • Forgiveness comes from God's  promise and renegotiation of the original covenant. He gave us permanent forgiveness through Jesus’s sacrifice 
  • READ MATTHEW 26: 17-20 and 26-29 and Colossians 3:12-14
    • One day we will be with Jesus to drink from the fruit of the vine with him
    • We are God's chosen people
    • We should forgive the way God forgives us
    • We should clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness and love, then we can forgive others
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