Sunday Lesson Notes from June 12, 2022
What do you do when you face difficult times in your life?
- Do you start to plan and organize?
- Do you self-isolate, cry, complain or shut down?
- How about ignoring the difficult event and hope that it will go away?
- Maybe you take time to process it and get help and pray?
Read Isaiah 25:6-9
- How do these verses inspire you to focus on God during times of hardship?
- God promises to wipe the tears away from every person forever, no more suffering
- God is preparing a great banquet, good times for his children to look forward to
- When we gather together, we proclaim Jesus’s death and resurrection until he returns, therefore, we can trust in God that he will save us and see us through tough times
- God is preparing a feast for all the nations, everyone will have an opportunity to know God

Read John 13:31-37
- What does Jesus teach us here?
- Jesus expects us to love each other
- Although we live on earth, in a less than ideal situation, we can still thrive when we focus on Jesus’s love for us and as we love each other
- When times are tough in our lives, we can focus on the fact that our time here on earth is temporary. We have something better coming our way as children of GOD!
- Remember to wait for the Lord, he will bring salvation!