Sunday Lesson Notes from May 14th, 2023
Read Genesis Chapter 16: 1-16
- Discuss some characteristics of Sarai
- She was making poor decisions and not trusting in God
- Although God had delivered her from troubles before and personally made a promise to her that she would have a son, she did not believe God
- She was putting her faith in events going on around her instead of in God’s promises
- It is important to have people involved in your life who can help you to trust in God when you are going through difficulties in your life. Faithful friends can help you to remember all the times God delivered you in the past.
- Discuss some characteristics of Abraham
- He did not trust in God, but he trusted his wife who did not give him the best advice
- He was looking to his culture for advice to help him establish his Kingdom, instead of trusting in God’s promises.
- We need to remember in our lives that God has a plan laid out for us in our lives. We sometimes forget this and instead of seeking out God’s will for our lives, we find a way to deviate from God's plans.
- When we deviate from God’s plan for our lives, generations of our family members are usually negatively impacted.
- Discuss some characteristics of Hagar
- Hagar was rumored to be an Egyptian princess but was a slave to Abraham and Sarai
- She was forced to marry Abraham and to have a child for Sarai
- God saw her cry for help and delivered her
- In Genesis 21- Hagar and her son Ishmael were removed from the family and God heard her cry again. God invited Hagar into a relationship with him.
- Read Galatians 4: 21-31
- We are now part of a greater promise and free to have faith in God. We are no longer bound by the laws of Jewish traditions. Anyone who wants to have a relationship with God is able to do so. We now have freedom to live as Chrisitians because of Jesus and his sacrifice.