What does it really mean when someone says to you, “It’s time to have a Come to Jesus Talk”?
Let us take a look in the bible and to see what happens to someone’s life when she meets up with and has a real talk with Jesus.
Read John 4: 7-14
- When the Samaritan woman met Jesus, he offered her living water. What is living water? Why did he offer her living water? What was she looking for? What was the cost of the living water and who paid for it?
- Living water, an idiom for spiritual life that will never end
- He offered her living water because it was obvious she was looking for everlasting fulfillment in something else, perhaps in the several husbands she had--failed relationships.
- Jesus offers everlasting life to whoever will accept it, it is free
- Jesus paid for everlasting life with the price of his own life
- What happened to this woman after her “come to Jesus talk?”
- She took his offer and changed her life, then she informed the whole town, verse 28
- Because of her willingness to talk to Jesus and respond in favor, others were able to seek out Jesus and have their own conversation with Jesus and receive faith in him and thus inherit everlasting life too!
Read Isaiah 55: 1-5
- Jesus offered everlasting life to the woman at the well
- God offered the Israelites the same promise
- Again, what is the cost of this gift? Nothing, it is free
Read Revelation 21:6-8
- Jesus promises everlasting life and paid the price with his own life, he is offering it to anyone for free
- What happens when you pursue sin instead of everlasting life? You miss out on the free gift to live with God forever and we will never feel fulfilled in our life here on earth
- What is your motivation for giving up sin in your life? Is it because God has blessed you or are you motivated by encouraging God with your actions?
- The only way to purify our lives and remove the sins, it to fill up our lives with the everlasting pure water that comes from being with Jesus
Read Revelation 22:1-5 and 12-17
- The water of life is flowing freely, again there is no cost because Jesus paid with his life
- The tree of life is producing healing to all the nations
- When you are thirsty, where do you go or who do you turn to?
- It is important to go to the true source for life, God and Jesus and not to earthly or man made things or ideas, they cannot fill us the way God and Jesus and the Holy spirit can
- We cannot earn this free gift because it was already paid for, but we can accept it and in doing so we will no longer have room in our lives for indulging in activities that can destroy us