Monthly Archives: February 2025


Read Titus Chapter 1: 1-16

  1. Who wrote this letter and why?
    1. Paul wrote this letter to Titus in order to encourage him in his spiritual work
    2. Paul encouraged Titus to appointment and to take care of the members of the church in Crete by calling them to obey God and give up their worldly ways
    3. The people in Crete, followed a greek god named Zeus who was well known for his worldly living
    4. Paul reminded the Christians in the church that he was an apostle, sent by God and Jesus to teach them about following God and obeying Jesus’s teachings.
    5. Paul also gave specific instructions on how to appoint elders in the church and the qualities they were to possess in order to be appointed as an elder. 
  1. Who does this remind you of?
    1. Jesus was sent by God to teach us how to obey God
    2. Jesus then sent out his disciples, his followers, to teach other followers about obeying God
    3. When we do not live a right life before God, we deny who God is and who God made us to be
  2. What are some ways we can deny God in our daily lives? What are some ways we can acknowledge God in our daily lives?
    1. We can deny God when we do not live according to his word in our relationships, in our work performance, in our home lives- when we fight, or quarrel, or lie or don’t forgive or are impatient with others
    2. We acknowledge God when we practice God’s ways in our daily lives- by forgiving others, being generous and kind, being patient and humble, serving others, saying encouraging words 
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