Monthly Archives: January 2025

The God of ALL Comfort

Read Luke 2: 21-24

  • Jesus as a baby was brought by his parents to the temple in Jerusalem to be circumcised by the priest on the 8th day after his birth
  • His parents were so poor they could not offer the customary lamb so they offered the two doves or two  pigeons (How Ironic because Jesus himself becomes the sacrificial lamb for all mankind)
  • Simeon was a devout man and righteous waiting for this moment in history to occur: the consolation of Israel, the coming of the Lord’s Christ.
  • What is consolation? The comfort or encouragement of Israel when all of God’s promises come to fruition.
  • Read Isaiah about God’s promise to comfort and restore Israel to Himself.

Read Isaiah 40:1-11

  • God promised comfort for his people in Jerusalem despite all they were suffering under the military attacks, exile, and rule of the unbelieving nations
  • He promised that the sins of the people would be paid for and they would be redeemed to God himself.
  • God promised that He was coming to restore his people and all mankind would see it
  • God’s words would stand forever, God is a promise keeper
  • God was going to provide comfort, shepherding and leadership in their future, through the birth of Jesus
  • In Luke Chapter  3- John the Baptist referred to this passage as he was preparing the way for Jesus. In the past, when a king would visit a town, the people would go ahead on the roads and clear a path for the king to pass. As John the Baptist was ushering in Jesus as the Messiah,  he warned the listeners to prepare a path for Jesus--prepare the path with repentance.(Luke 3:4-6).

Read Luke 2:25-35

  • Simeon was lead by the Holy Spirit to go meet baby Jesus and his family at the temple and to let his parents know that Jesus was the one Israel had been waiting for
  • Simeon trusted what God had revealed to him: that he would see the Christ. He proclaimed it to Jesus’ parents. 
  • Simeon’s name means- One who hears and one who listens. Simeon listened to the Holy Spirit and acted on it.
  • Simeon delivered the message from the Holy Spirit that Jesus would unify mankind-Jews and Gentiles and everyone would see God do this
  • Simeon may have been seen as an insignificant character in his day to day life, but he had such a huge impact on others because he took the time to be right with God and devoted to God. And when the time came he was able to listen to the Holy Spirit and obey and proclaim who Jesus was. What role are you playing in your life right now in order to be used by God and the Holy Spirit to proclaim that Jesus is the Messiah from God who has come to send all comfort to mankind?
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