Sunday Lesson Notes June 23, 2024
Read John 16:5-11
- Jesus told his disciples that he was going back to be with his Father and would send the Holy Spirit to be with them
- The Holy Spirit would continue to teach them the truth about sin, righteousness and judgment
- Jesus could see it was all too much for his disciples to handle at the moment, so he told them about what was going to happen to him in stages--very considerate of Him!
Read Mark 14: 32-42
- Jesus prepared them for his death that was coming
- Jesus took three of his disciples with him to the garden to pray, as he was praying for strength to continue to complete his mission to save humanity
- Jesus allowed us to see his true humanity by his vulnerability and need to pray to God for strength
- The disciples were having a hard time connecting to the magnitude of this moment. They could not even stay awake to support Jesus, it was too much for them to handle
Read Matthew 28: 16-20
- Jesus gave his final words to his disciples to go and make disciples of all the other nations and to baptize them and to teach them to obey
- Jesus started his ministry in Galilee and ended it there with his 11 disciples. They had great faith and continued on with the mission. The mission could have died at that moment but they continued to spread the message of Jesus, which is still being taught throughout the world today.
Read Romans 6:1-8
- We get to participate in Jesus’s death and resurrection through our baptism
- Because our old selves died with Christ, we are raised to a new life with Him
- Dying to our sinful nature starts in this world, living a risen life also starts in this world and will continue when we meet with Jesus in heaven
Read Joshua 1:1-9
- God promised the Israelities and Joshua that He would be with them forever and never leave them or forsake them. God has given us Christians the same promise today
- This is a description of what our future will be with Jesus as he becomes the bridegroom to his church. The church is made up of all Christians who truly follow and obey Jesus’s teachings.
- We can take heart that Jesus is coming back for his Church and will take us to be with him and his Father forever in his kingdom, the new Jerusalem.